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 Société d'Enseignement Professionnel du Rhône (SEPR)

SEPR is a vocational training centre located in the City of Lyon, that was created in 1864. SEPR trains each year around 5.000 learners, in six main areas: arts and design; catering and hospitality; visual communication and graphic chain; beauty, health care and social services; commerce and trade; technical and IT professions.

SEPR offers trainings from EQF level 2 to 6, within 3 different pathways: apprenticeship/dual system, full-time study and continuous training. SEPR implements strong policies in terms of internationalization strategy (Learning mobility of individuals, Partnership for cooperation, Capacity building, Centre of Vocational Excellence); welcoming learners with special needs; developing social commitment, citizenship and solidarity towards learners; supporting entrepreneurship and excellence in VET. SEPR has a long tradition of cooperation with networks and stakeholders at national and international level.

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APRO Formazione Italy

Apro Formazione has two training schools in Alba and Canelli, employing 100 members of staff and 400 professionals. Apro Formazione is a private non profit consortium which provide around 200 courses every week training more than 4000 persons per year in the following sectors: mechanics, welding and carpentry, computer science, electrotechnics, clothing and fashion, tourism and culinary art, hairstyling and beauty, commerce and service activities, health and human services, marketing and communication, administration and business management, design and graphics, environmental protection, safety, eco-management and foreign languages.

Since 2009, Apro Formazione collaborates with European partners on mobility projects, partnerships, development and transfer of innovation in the education field. Its European Network covers 20 Countries with more than 50 partners. Apro Formazione managed successfully more than 1.000 mobilities and got the Erasmus+ VET mobility charter in 2015.

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Centre d’Enseignement Professionnel Franco-Arménien

The Centre d'Enseignement Professionnel Franco-Arménien (CEPFA) was founded in 2001 following the signing of a memorandum of understanding in 2000 as part of a cultural, scientific and technical cooperation agreement signed between the French and Armenian governments on 4 November 1995.
CEPFA is a vocational training centre whose aim is to provide vocational training that prepares students for the labour market and meets the needs of companies.

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​Gyumri State Medical College

Gyumri State Medical College was founded in 1937. Since its establishment, the college has been and remains the main Public medical educational institution in the Shirak region of Armenia. During its lifetime, it has trained and educated about 12,000 junior medical staff. It collaborates with medical centres in the Shirak region and other regions of Armenia. The College implements continuing VET courses, provides teacher and professional development trainings, implements programmes that contribute to the development of secondary vocational education. Many grateful doctors, recognised in in Armenia, have graduated and continued their training in the college. Training at the college is carried out on the basis of the secondary vocational education programme in the following specialties: nursing dental technology, pharmacy, obstetrics. Currently 402 students are enrolled in the college.

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Hovakimyan Lab Dental Studio

The Hovakimyan Laboratory opened in Armenia in 2005 with the primary objective of enhancing the quality of life for its patients: the laboratory is committed to restoring masticatory function and providing a radiant smile to its patients. Renowned for its personalized approach, the laboratory welcomes each patient with care and attention. Through a detailed evaluation process, the team analyzes the aesthetic needs and desires of each individual, thus designing tailor-made solutions.

The Hovakimyan Dental Studio utilizes advanced techniques such as diagnostic waxing to ensure patient satisfaction. By carefully selecting the color and shape of the teeth, the team ensures a natural and harmonious result through the use of multi-layered ceramics.

Whether for routine dental care, aesthetic restorations, or custom prosthetics, the Hovakimyan Dental Studio offers its expertise to provide patients with a radiant smile and restored confidence.

 Our Associated Partners

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Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.


Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia


Piemonte Region Italy


Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region France

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